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Creating E-mail Reminders & Follow-ups

Creating E-mail Reminders & Follow-ups


You must have the E-mail Reminder & Follow-up Module installed.



This module allows you to send reminder e-mails a predetermined number of days prior to the customer’s activity date. You can also send a follow-up e-mail a set number of days after the activity date. You can create different templates for each of your activity types if you wish. In the activity setup screen, you can choose which templates to use for that activity.


Steps for Setting-up and Creating your E-mail Template:

1. Log-in to Triptiva.

2. Click Admin on the menu bar.



3. Scroll over Navigator to display the menu.

4. Expand the E-mail Templates node by clicking [+].

5. Click Manage Templates.

6. Unlock the screen by clicking the button in the top right corner that is below the button.

7. To create your new template, click Add New.



8. Create a name for your template. This name will not be visible to customers.

9. Next, create a description for your template. Your description is not visible to customers and should include enough information to remind you of the template’s purpose.



10. Next, choose your Template Type in the dropdown. There are two options: Reservations and Inquiry. Notice that the Available Template Variables entries change depending on your selection. Because we are creating activity reminders, select Reservations.

11. Enter the E-mail Information fields. The only two fields that are required are the Send From – E-mail Address* and the E-mail Subject (variables are OK)*. If you want a first and last name to be associated with your e-mail address, enter the first and last name in the appropriate fields. The first and last name will appear to the user similar to this example: Billy Bob .

12. In the Send From – E-mail Address* field enter a valid e-mail address from which you want your e-mail to be sent.

13. You can enter addresses in the CC and BCC fields. Notice that if you want to CC or BCC multiple addresses, they must be separated by a semi-colon. Customers will see the CC addresses. They will not see the BCC addresses.

14. For the E-mail Subject (variables are OK)* field, enter your subject text. You can user any of the variables from the Available Template Variable list. To reduce e-mail programs from marking your e-mail as spam, follow good subject line naming rules and attempt to keep your subject short. The figures below show two examples of a subject that includes template variables.




15. Next, select the type of E-mail Format you want to use. HTML is the most common format. You can use the editor to create the HTML for you but it is helpful to have HTML experience.



16. The goal of this article is not to teach you html. If you hover over the editor’s icons you will see what the icon will do. A little practice will go a long way. When you are creating your e-mail, drag any template variable to the editor to include the variable’s information in your e-mail. Use the Preview button to open a screen to check your work. The Edit Html button will open a screen showing the actual html code behind your work.

17. If you have a designer that usually creates your e-mail templates, you can provide your designer the template variable names and have the designer create your e-mail template. Once completed the designer can send you the html code and you can copy the code into the editor and click Save.


HTML Editor


18. Send yourself test e-mails so you can see what the customer will see. To do this enter a receiving e-mail address in the Send Test E-mail section and click Send. To send your template to multiple e-mail address, simply separate each address with a semi-colon.

19. To create similar templates, copy your html to a new template and just edit the necessary parts. To copy your html, click anywhere inside the html editor. Then click Control and A at the same time. This should highlight all text in the editor. Go to your new template, create the template name, description, etc. Then click inside the new template html editor. Then click Control and V at the same time to paste the code you copied using Control – A.

20. When you finish, click to lock the page and save the information.


Article No. 17.002.1

Created: 12/13/14


in Activity Email

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