Allowing a Local Hard Drive and/or Printer to be Accessed from a Remote Desktop Connection
Create and save a Remote Desktop Connection to the remote computer you want to access.
If you connect to Triptiva via Remote Destkop Connection, you can print to your local printer and save files to a local hard drive if you set them up as local resourses in your remote connection set-up.
Steps to Allow Remote Desktop Connection to Access your Local Resources:
1. Locate your Remote Desktop Connection icon. This is most likely on your desktop.
2. Either double click the icon or right click on the icon and select Edit from the menu that appears.
3. If you double clicked the icon, select your remote computer from the drop down, click Show Options and then click the Local Resources tab.
3-alternative. If you right clicked on the icon and selected Edit in the menu, click the Local Resources tab.
4. In the Local devices and resources section, click Printers to allow printing from the remote computer to your local printer. You may have to set-up the drivers for your printed for the remote computer to print locally. Conversely, if you click Printers again, this will turn off local printer access.
5. If you want to allow text copied to the Clipbard to be pasted either locally and on the remote computer, click Clipboard to turn on this resource.
6. Click More to see other resources.
7. Notice you can allow access for all drives or, if you open the drive folder, you can select a specific local drive(s). It is on this screen that you can also allow access by other devices and resources.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Connect to begin your remote session or, to save your selection settings for future connections, click General tab, and Save or Save As.
Article No. 11.003
Created: 11/29/2015
Modified: 08/29/16