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Triptiva Reports

Accounting - Activity

Accrual Activities by Customers Report

Shows the activity reservations for a selected Activity Date or Booking Date. The report can be filtered to only show reservations for tax exempt customers.

Accrual Activity Payments Reports

(Accrual reports recognize or account for transactions when the service is delivered.)
These report options show reservation amounts, paid amounts and balance due. Additionally, they include all prior payment amounts and payment dates for each reservation up to and including the Activity Date.

  • All Reservations
  • Reservations Fully Paid as of Activity Date
  • Reservations with Balance Due
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Reservations with Prior Payments
  • Reservations with Prior Payments, exclude Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations Fully Paid, exclude Reservations with Future Activity Dates
  • Reservations with Balance Due, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
Accrual Activity Reports

(Accrual reports recognize or account for transactions when the service is delivered.)
These report options show reservation amounts, paid amounts and balances due for the selected Activity Date.

  • All Reservations
  • Reservations Fully Paid as of Activity Date
  • Reservations with Balance Due
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Reservations with Prior Payments
  • Reservations with Prior Payments, exclude Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations Fully Paid, exclude Reservations with Future Activity Dates
  • Reservations with Balance Due, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
Accrual Activity Summary Reports

(Accrual reports recognize or account for transactions when the service is delivered)
These report options show reservation amounts, paid amounts and balance due in summary format.

  • All Reservations
  • Reservations Fully Paid as of Activity Date
  • Reservations with Balance Due
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Reservations with Prior Payments
  • Reservations with Prior Payments, exclude Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations Fully Paid, exclude Reservations with Future Activity Dates
  • Reservations with Balance Due, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
Activity Add-Ons Revenue

Shows add-ons revenue by activity date range or booking date range. The report can be grouped by activity type, activity type and resource or resource and activity name. Report results can be filtered by store, activity, and activity types.

Activity Balances Due

Shows customer balances for a data range. The report can be filtered by activity type.

Activity Cancellations Report

Shows activity cancellations for a date range. The report can be grouped by cancel date, activity date or by reservatation creation date

Activity Discounts/Coupons by Date

Shows discounts/coupons applied for a date or date range of activity dates or booked dates. Report results can be filtered by discount/coupon name and store.

Activity Discounts/Coupons Summary

Shows discounts/coupons applied for a date or date range of activity dates or booked dates. Report results are summed by discount/coupon description and can be filtered by store.

Activity Receipts by Day

This report shows payments by day for the selected date range. The report can show all results for the day or results filtered by store and by computer.

Activity Revenue Paid

Shows activity revenue by activity date range or booking date range. The report includes activity name, actiivity date, date activity booked and total paid amount. Results are grouped by activity type. Additionally, report results can be filtered by store.

Activity Sales Revenue

Shows the revenues booked for all reservations made during the date range selected. The report displays add-on amounts, taxes and activity amounts by activity name.  The results can be view by store or by activity.

Activity Sales Tax

Shows taxes (state, city, county, activity, and add'l taxes) and fees for activities by activity date range or booking date range. Report can be filtered by resource, activity type and store. Additionally, the report can exclude reservations not fully paid. A summary option groups the results by store, resource and activity type.

Daily Activity Payments

Shows Daily Payments for a date range grouped by payment type. The report results can be separated by store. There is an additional option to exclude the Previously Paid payment type from results.

Daily Closing

This report has been deprecated. It has been replaced by the more current Activity Receipts by Day report.

Daily Closing by Activity

This report has been deprecated. This report has been replace by the Activity Sales Revenue report which shows sales revenue for a selected date range.

Daily Closing by Resource

This report has been deprecated. Scheduled for removal from the reporting menu on 12/1/15.

Daily Closing Combined

This report has been deprecated. It has been replaced by the more current Activity Receipts by Day report.

Daily Closing Computer

This report has been deprecated. It has been replaced by the more current Activity Receipts by Day report

Daily Closing Original

This report has been deprecated. Scheduled for removal from the reporting menu on 12/1/15.

Daily Closing Summary

This report has been deprecated. This report has been replaced by the Activity Receipts by Day report.

Daily Closing Tax Exempt

This report has been deprecated. Use the more current Activity Sales Tax report.

Daily Closing Total

This report has been deprecated. Use the more current Activity Sales Tax report

Daily Sales

This report has been deprecated.  It has been replaced by the more current Activity Sales Revenue report.

Employee Activity Reservations Count

Shows a list of employees who booked activity reservations and the number of reservations each booked for the selected date range.

Employee Activity Sales

Shows for a date range a list of employees who booked activity reservations. For each employee, the number of people booked and the amount of each reservation is displayed.

Hourly Employee Pay Period Details

For employees paid the by the hour, this report groups by employee and shows each task description entered by the employee for the selected payroll periods.

Tax Fee Summary (Replaced)

Replaced by Activity Sales Tax report.

Vendor Activity Commissions

For a date range, this report shows commissionable reservations for a vendor. Once a vendor is selected, the report will show all activities booked by the vendor. Additionally, the report displays the activity date, customer name, the vendor contact person who booked the reservations, the quantity and activity amount. The vendor's commission rate, commission amount and type of commission are included.

Vendor Add-on Commissions

For a date range, this report shows add-ons for each booking within the date range. The activity date, customer name, Res #, quantity of the add-ons and add-on price are displayed. An option to show a commissionable company and the commission type and rate are available. This report is useful if you pay a vendor a commission for add-ons to reservations. For instance, you might have a rock climbing vendor and you sell their climbing classes as an add-on. The report allows you to select rock climbing and create a listing of rock climbing add-ons with pricing, etc. for the date range.

Accounting - Lodging

Accrual Lodging Reports

(Accrual reports recognize or account for transactions when the service is delivered.)
These report options show reservation amounts, paid amounts and balances due for the selected Lodging Date.

  • All Reservations
  • Reservations Fully Paid as of Activity Date
  • Reservations with Balance Due
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Reservations with Prior Payments
  • Reservations with Prior Payments, exclude Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations Fully Paid, exclude Reservations with Future Activity Dates
  • Reservations with Balance Due, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
Lodging Add-ons Revenue

Shows lodging add-ons revenue by check-in date range or booking date range. The report can be viewed by lodging group, lodging group and item type, or by item type and item. Report results can be filtered by store and item.

Lodging Reservation Payments

Displays lodging payments received for a date range. The results can be filtered by store and can be sorted by lodging date, customer name, payment date and payment type.

Lodging Sales Report

Displays Lodging Sales Revenue for a date range. The report can be filtered by store and can be viewed by lodging group or loding group and item type. The report shows lodging sales amount, discounts, lodging tax, add-ons and add-on tax.

Accounting - Rental

Accrual Rental Reports

(Accrual reports recognize or account for transactions when the service is delivered.)
These report options show reservation amounts, paid amounts and balances due for the selected Rental Date.

  • All Reservations
  • Reservations Fully Paid as of Activity Date
  • Reservations with Balance Due
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Reservations with Prior Payments
  • Reservations with Prior Payments, exclude Activity Date Payments
  • Reservations Fully Paid, exclude Reservations with Future Activity Dates
  • Reservations with Balance Due, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid
  • Reservations with Activity Date Payments, exclude Payment Type Previously Paid


Activity By Resource

The report shows the activity names that are set-up for a resource. This report is quicker than scrolling through the activity set-up screen when trying to determine what activities are set-up for a resource.

Activity Log Reports

For a date range, the report shows:

  • # of Lost Paddles and which employee lost them.
  • Activities Summary - This is a paper copy of an activity log entry.
  • Activities with Missing Camp - For activities that require a camp spot be included on the activity log, this report lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no camp spot identified.
  • Activities with Missing Lunch - For activities that require a lunch spot be included on the activity log, this report lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no lunch spot identified.
  • Activities with No Guides - For activities entered in the the activity log, this report lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no guides identified.
  • Activities with No Activity Leaders - For activities entered in the activity log, this report lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no activity leader identified.
  • Activities with Unusual Activity Hours - This report compares the actual activity length entered on the activity log with the hours entered for the activity on its Activity Set-up section. If the actual hours (activity log) are out of range of expected hours (activity set-up), this report option lists the activity name and date of each activity that has unusual hours.
  • Activities with Zero Guest in Boat - When entering guides in the activity log, there is an option to enter the number of guests in the guides boat. This report option lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no guests entered for the guide's boat.
  • Activities with Zero Activity Hours - The report option lists the activity name and date of each activity that has no hours entered for it on the activity log.
Average Number of Customers Per Guide Report

For a date range and activity type, this report displays by activity name, the # of customers, # of guides and the average of he customers per guides for the activity name for the date range. This is useful for determining which activities are the most efficient regarding a customer to guide ratio.

Swimmers, Flips, Wraps

Shows the number of swimmers, raft flips and raft wraps that occurred during a date range for the activity selected. The report can filter by activity named and guide name.

Business Intelligence

30 Day Report

Dashboard display of daily sales and income for a 30 day period, sales amount by reservationists and how heard breakdown for reservations for a 30 day period.

Advanced Activity Payments

This report shows the # of days by day range (i.e., 1 day, 2-6 days, 30-60 days, etc.) that payments are made in advance for an activity reservation. The report can be filtered for the day range to show only reservation counts that are fully paid for the search date criteria.

Advanced Activity Reservations

This report shows the # of days by date range (i.e., 1 day, 2-6 days, 30-60 days, etc.) that reservations are made in advance of the activity date. The report is filetered by activity type.



For a resource, this report shows employees who are certified to guide activities from waypoint (e.g., put-in, trail head) to waypoint (e.g., take-out, trail out). If an employee has activity leader status, the report shows on which sections the employee is certified for this.

Driver's Licenses List

Displays a list of employees driver's license numbers, expiration dates, and whether or not the company is in possession of a copy of the license. An option to include employees without driver's license data can be selected.

Emergency Contacts

Displays a list of active or inactive employees' emergency contacts. The report includes the contact names, type of contacts (e.g., wife, brother, father, etc.)and contact phone numbers.

Employee Missing Documents Lists

Displays for each active or inactive employee or both active and inactive employees the required documents that are missing, or expired. The report can be filtered to show the data for all employees, select employees, or a single employee. The report can be viewed in continuous format or it can be viewed with each employee's information on a separate page.

First Aid and CPR List

The user can create and customize first aid and CPR reports for a variety of permitting agencies. Once created and/or customized, each first aid and CPR report can be run, printed or emailed to the permitting agency. Each report can include a unique report name, agency address and contact information, and header text. Additionally, specific job types can be selected to be included on each report and they can be customized for each report. The report is configured to not show expired certifications and if a guide's certifications are expired, the report will show their job title not as guide but he next job type in importance that does not require the certifications.

Guide Logs

Shows guide participation for each activity for a date range. The guide logs can be filtered to display all job types, multiple job types, or a single job type (i.e, snowmobile guide, rafting guide, fishing guide, zip line instructor). For each employee the log includes the activity name, activity date, and waypoints (sections) of each activity for which the employee participated. The log shows the duration of the activity, length in miles for the activity and any training that guide completed for the activity. This report depends on data enter in the activity log for each activity run.

Mailing Labels

Allows for printing of mailing labels for all employees or employees with specific job types. Can print continuous labels or 3 x 10 sheet labels.

Phone List

Prints Employee address, phone and email information. The report can be filtered for active and inactive employees or both.

SSN Number List

Displays employee names and the last 4 digits of the employee's social security number.

W2 Information List

Displays employee names, address to use for W2 mailing, last 4 digits of SSN and Date of Birth. The report is typically sent to payroll processors to ensure the latest information is used before printing and mainline W2 forms.

W4 Information list

Displays employee names, address for W2 mailing, last 4 digits of SSN, marital status, additional withholding, allowances and exemption status


Boat Loading

This report displays the name of participants who have been assigned to a boat, snowmobile, horse, etc.  The report shows the equipment name and its assignments by date and activity.

Gift Certificate

Gift Certificates Outstanding

This report shows a list of gift certificates that have not been redeemed for the date range searched. The results can be filtered by store and gift certificate type. Additionally, the results can be viewed all together, by store, store and gift certificate type, or just certificate type.

Gift Certificates Purchased by Day

This report shows payments for gift certificates by day for the selected date range.  The report can show all results for the day or results filtered by store.

Gift Certificates Sold

This report displays a list of gift certificates that were issued for a date range. The results can be filtered by store and grouped and viewed by certificates sold for each date in the date range, viewed and grouped for the date range or viewed and grouped by date range regardless of store.


Lodging Check-In/Check-Out

Displays customers for the day selected who are checked-in, checked-out or who are expected to check-in or out but who have not.

Lodging Receipts by Day

This report shows lodging payments by day for the selected date range. The report can show all results for the day or results filtered by store and by computer.


Activity - Checked-In w/ Details

This report displays customer information for each activity for the selected store and activity. Activities results can be displayed continuously or on separate pages.

Check-In by Activity
Check-In by Activity Type

This report displays all activity check-in data for the selected Activity Type(s). The report can be filtered by store. The report displays Customer Notes. Options are available to display Activity Notes and Transportation Notes for each reservation. The report can display Activity data continuously or each Activity on a separate page.

Check-In by Activity w/ Friends
Lodging Check-In
Reservations Checked-In
Transportation Pick-up


Booking Year Comparison
Customer Revenue Value
Customers Per Resource
How Heard Options
Online/Desktop Bookings Comparison

Shows a comparison of online and desktop sales revenue for a month range within a year. The report displays by month the quantity of people booked and reservation amounts. Additionally, the report includes the % of sales and average dollar amount the online and desktop comprised of the month's sales total.

Performance Comparison
Revenues Per Resource
Activity Reservations by State



e-Signed Timesheets
Payroll Summary


Best Sellers

This report shows the top items sold by selected store(s).  For each item, the report displays the UPC, Color. Size, Qty Sold, Qty on Hand, Purchase Price, Sale Price, Total Sales and Margin percent.

POS Daily Closing

POS Daily Closing

POS Item

POS Item

POS Items Sold

POS Items Sold

POS Items Sold Summary
POS Receipt

Post Use

Post Use

These reports use Activity Log data to provide results for agency post use reports. Some agencies have specific reporting formats and if the report is included for your resource, you can run the report and email it to the agency from Triptiva. Where there is not a specific reporting format, you can use the generic data export and detail options to display your Activity Log data. The data export is very Excel friendly so exporting to Excel allows for quick data edits.


Rental Check-In/Check-Out

Displays rentals for customers for the day selected that are checked-in, checked-out or who are expected to check-in or out but who have not.

Rental Daily Closing - beta

Displays the customer's reservation amounts for each payment made for the date range selected.

Rental Receipts by Day

This report shows rental payments by day for the selected date range. The report can show all results for the day or results filtered by store and by computer.

Rental Reservation

Displays a customer's rental reservation confirmation. Suitable for emailing to or printing for the customer. Includes notes and cancel policies. If there is more than one rental and different cancel policies are associated with each rental, the cancel policy for each rental is included.

Rental Reservation Receipt

Displays a customer's rental reservation receipt in POS printer format. The receipt allows up to 3 custom messages to be printed on the receipt. The messages can be set up by store and date range in the Receipt Data tab on the Options screen.

Rentals By Type

This report lists the rentals to check-out or in for a date range. The rentals display the rental item with size and color, the customer name associated with the rental and the expected check-out and check-in times. This report groups the rentals by rental type for each rental date.


Customer Statement

For the searched date range, this report shows in Invoice format customers account activity who have a balance due.  Charges and payments for the dates selected are included on the invoice.  A due date can be selected and printed on the invoice.

Lodging Folio

Displays a customer's lodging folio. Suitable for emailing to or printing for the customer. The folio includes charges and payments in addition to reservation information.

Reservation Details

The report is designed for in-house use. The report displays a customer's activity reservation information in confirmation format. The information on a Detail report is more comprehensive than a customer confirmation report. The Details report includes notes and cancel policies. If there is more than one activity and different cancel policies are associated with each activity, the cancel policy for each activity is included.

Reservation Details with Changes

The report is designed for in-house use. The report displays a customer's activity reservation information in confirmation format and includes any changes that have been made over the life of the reservation. The information on a Detail report is more comprehensive than a customer confirmation report. The Details report includes notes and cancel policies. If there is more than one activity and different cancel policies are associated with each activity, the cancel policy for each activity is included.

Reservation Details with History

The report is designed for in-house use. The report displays a customer's activity reservation information in confirmation format and displays any activities that customers has booked in the past. The information on a Detail report is more comprehensive than a customer confirmation report. The Details report includes notes and cancel policies. If there is more than one activity and different cancel policies are associated with each activity, the cancel policy for each activity is included.

Reservation Receipt

Displays a customer's activity reservation receipt in POS printer format. The receipt allows up to 3 custom messages to be printed on the receipt. The messages can be set up by store and date range in the Receipt Data tab on the Options screen.

Reservation Statement

Displays a customer's activity reservation confirmation. Suitable for emailing to or printing for the customer. Includes notes and cancel policies. If there is more than one activity and different cancel policies are associated with each activity, the cancel policy for each activity is included.

Waiting List Report

Shows a list of all potential customers on the waiting list for a date range. The report displays the activity name, customer name and contact information, and the quantity of spots requested.


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